четвер, 23 травня 2019 р.

Lesson May 23, 2019

1. Oral exam - Thursday, 6 p.m.

2. Lesson on June 1, 13:00 pm

3. Test preparation

1. Choose the appropriate option.

1. He travel / travels/ is travelling to Majorca next week.
2. The airplane arrive/arrives/is arriving at 2 p.m.
3. My grandparents come/are coming /will come next Friday.
4. They have written/wrote their test 2 days ago.
5. She learned/had learned German after she visited/had visited Berlin.
6. They will travel/will be travelling from Monday to Sunday.
7. He reads/is reading/will be reading/will have been reading this text for 4 hours when you come.
8. My mother will travel/will have travelled/will has travelled/will be travelling to Italy three times by the end of last year.

2. Make up one sentence per each marker in brackets.

this time next week

for 3 hours when his mother came

by 5 o'clock tomorrow

since she was 10 years old



3. Put the words in the correct order. 

1. like/ pancakes/ you / Do/ the/ she/ way/ cooks?

2. talk / She / it / doesn't / to / know/ how / about.

3. she / be / Does / to / paid / back/ want?

4. wouldn't / like / He/ to / you/ for that/ pay.

5. to / convince / stop / Will / her/ you / smoking.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb "be". 

There _______ some juice and eggs in the fridge.
The juice _____ in the fridge.
There _______ pens and a notrbook behind the laptop.
The cheese _________ on the tray.

 5. Translate. 


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