понеділок, 27 травня 2019 р.

Lesson May 27, 2019

1. Correction work

2. Oral test preparation.

- Grammar (translation)
- Speaking questions (dialogue with the teacher).

Possible Questions:
1) Where does your mom work? 
2) What does you father usually have for dinner?
3) What do your friends do after dinner? 
4) What films do you like to watch and why? 
5) What books do you like to read and why? 
6) What kind of music do you prefer and why? 
7) What are your hobbies and interests? 
8) What are your cheif aims for the near future? (your long-range aims)
    What are your immediate aims? 
9) What are you keen on? 
10) Tell me about your favourite artist? 
11) When have you been to a doctor's last time. What problem did you have? What did the doctor tell you. 
12) Tell me about your experience travelling by airplane.
13) What have you been doing today and for how long.
14) Tell me about your city and your neighborhood. What sights of interest anf infrastructure does it have? 
15) Describe your standard working day
16) Tell me what you were doing last weekend
17) Tell me about your plans for summer
18) What should you do to learn English well?
19) Tell me a few words about yourself
- your name
- your age
- your address (country and city of residence)
- your hobbies and interests
- your weekly routine
20) What did you do yesterday?
21) What do you hope to achieve in 5 years' time?
22) What did you use to do 5 years ago?
Рекомендации по подготовке к экзамену:
- Откройте оглавление вашего учебника Step 25-30/ Step 31-33
- Просмотрите все темы, которые вы прошли за год
- Выпишите себе формулы и основные случаи употребления ключевых времен и грамматических конструкций
- Просмотрите лексику, которую вы учили (). - стр. 15, 22-25, hear of, hear about, hear from - p. 46, 61-63, irregular verbs - c. 64-68, 78, 81-84, 89-91 -  Step 25-30;
p.3, 4 (prepositions), 6, 10 - 11, 15, 23, 27-29, 44 - Step 31-33.
- Порепетируйте устные ответы на все вышеизложенные вопросы (1-10)

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