пʼятниця, 7 червня 2019 р.

Lesson 07.06.2019

1. H/w check
- submit your translation of sentences (tense-mix)
- back translation of the phrases from the dialogue (Carolina)

2. Step 25-30 - Tense mix exercise: Sentences 50 - 75.

3. Revision of grammar structure: "I know how + To + Infinitive" (e.g. I know how to cook)
                                                       "I like the way + Object + Infinitive"(e.g. I like the way you dance)

4. Irregular verbs: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/verbs4/index.php

5. Revision of vocabulary "Home, house", "Hotel" - Step 31-33, p. 23, p. 27.

Types of houses:
Image result for types of houses

Hotel room: Desribe. What amenities does a typical hotel room usually have?
Image result for hotel room
5. Be polite! phrases: https://www.thespruce.com/polite-words-and-phrases-1216714

H/w: 1) Step 25-30 - Sentences 50-75 (in written form)
2) Irregular verbs - learn
3) Vocabulary - pp. 23, 27 - revise

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