пʼятниця, 14 червня 2019 р.

Lesson 14.06.2019

1. H/w check 1) Practice sentences - p. 2

         2) Vocabulary p. 1 (Airport voc) & p. 3 (Linking words)

2. Song: "One-way ticket to the blues" 

3. Inversion: Hardly + had + Subject + V3, when + Subject + V2 
                 No sooner + had + Subject + V3, than + Subject + V2 

H/w: Oral back-translation of the text "At the airport": https://lingvana.ru/at-the-airport.html  

понеділок, 10 червня 2019 р.

Lesson 10.06.2019

1. H/w check: Submit your transaltion of grammar mix
                       Vocabulary - pp. 23, 27 (Step 31) + pics from the previous leson plan

                       Irregular verbs  https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/verbs4/index.php

2. Step 31: how vs. the way - Ex. 31.4, p. 5

4. Recap 1 - tenses, flight pp. 1-2 + Discussion p. 3

H/w: 1) Practice sentences - p. 2
         2) Vocabulary p. 1 (Airport voc) & p. 3 (Linking words)

пʼятниця, 7 червня 2019 р.

Lesson 07.06.2019

1. H/w check
- submit your translation of sentences (tense-mix)
- back translation of the phrases from the dialogue (Carolina)

2. Step 25-30 - Tense mix exercise: Sentences 50 - 75.

3. Revision of grammar structure: "I know how + To + Infinitive" (e.g. I know how to cook)
                                                       "I like the way + Object + Infinitive"(e.g. I like the way you dance)

4. Irregular verbs: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/verbs4/index.php

5. Revision of vocabulary "Home, house", "Hotel" - Step 31-33, p. 23, p. 27.

Types of houses:
Image result for types of houses

Hotel room: Desribe. What amenities does a typical hotel room usually have?
Image result for hotel room
5. Be polite! phrases: https://www.thespruce.com/polite-words-and-phrases-1216714

H/w: 1) Step 25-30 - Sentences 50-75 (in written form)
2) Irregular verbs - learn
3) Vocabulary - pp. 23, 27 - revise

середа, 5 червня 2019 р.

Lesson 05.06.2019

1. Revision of tenses (Tense mix) - Ex. 30.4, p.104 Step 25-30 Sentences 25-50

2. Revision of irregular verbs: Irregular verbs - oral check

3. Vocabulary revision p. 6, 10, 11, 15

4. Visiting the US - passport control. Questions and tips: https://www.estavisaus.org/news/us-immigration-control

5. Listen to the conversaion between Carolina, a student from Venezuella, and a British immigration control officer: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/learnenglish-podcasts/series-01-episode-01 (11:34)

Step 31 - p. 4-5

H/w: 1) learn the words: pp. 6, 10, 11, 15
         2) Be ready for the back-translation of the dialogue between Carolina and a British immigration control officer.
         3) Ex. 30.4, p.104 Step 25-30 Sentences 25-50

понеділок, 3 червня 2019 р.

Lesson June 03.06.2019

1. Revision of tenses (Tense mix) - Ex. 30.4, p.104 Step 25-30

2. Revision of vocabulary: p. 3 and the structure:

It is important / essential / vital / (im)possible / boring / (un)pleasant / easy / difficult / exciting / interesting / useful ...

4. Revision of prepositions: Vocabulary # 31.2 p. 4

5. Describe the picture in this video https://multimedia-english.com/videos/course/prepositions-of-place-describing-a-picture-anglolinktv-5281 (pause the video and describe)


H/w: 1) Revision of tenses - Step 25-30 - Ex. 30.4, p.104 - 1-25 sentences in written form

2) Write 10 sentences about what is important for you using the vocabulary in p. 3

3) Describe this picture with the use of prepositions:
Related image