четвер, 28 лютого 2019 р.

Infinitive: Step 32 Part 2

1. Test results - correction of mistakes (10 min)

2. H/w check:

1) p. 2 - practice sentences (orally)(10 min)
2) p. 3 Ex. 32.1 - written translation - submit
3) written summary of your book chapters that you have read so far - submit

2. Revision: future tenses (15 min)

Plans for the weekend: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/intermediate-b1-listening/weekend

3. Infinitives in context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIGC2fhz8gc&list=PLydAztLWiu7L_GFmCer1FmY1Hwu_-Jkzg

1) Homework portfolio (30% of your final grade on your February performance)

понеділок, 25 лютого 2019 р.

Step 31: Revision + test; Step 32: Intro

1. Step 31: Revision

- Practice sentences p. 2 Ex. 31.1 - back translation in pairs (10 min)

Student A - Ex 31.1 - in written form
Student B - Ex. 31.2 - in written form

- Exchange your notebooks. Check each other's translation. (15 min)

- Electric chair on the useful expressions from p. 3 (15 min)

- Individual revision of practice senteces 31.2 - p. 4 (5 min)

- Translation sentences p. 5 - back translation in pairs (10 min)

Test on Step 31: 10 sentences for translation - written part (individual) + 5 sentenses for translation - oral part (T-S) (20 min)

2. Step 32 (15 min)

1) p. 2 - practice sentences (orally)
2) p. 3 Ex. 32.1 - written translation
3) written summary of your book chapters that you have read so far

четвер, 21 лютого 2019 р.

Know + how + to + V & Suggestions

1. p. 3 - useful expressions - let's go over them open-class

2. Practice the useful expressions from p. 3 - saying sentence by sentence with the expressions from the chart, make up  a connected story. 

3. Constuction "Know + how + to + V..." 
Practice sentences 31.2 

Give your recommendations on the following: 

- how to learn a foreign language.  
- how to travel around the world without much money.
- how to make friends. 
- how to be a well-organized person
- how to surf the Internet 
- how to save money
- how to remember important dates
- how to have fun 
- how to win the competitions 

Suggestions and recommendations 


More phrases on recommendations and suggestions:



Extra practice on modal verbs of probability / making deductions: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/intermediate-grammar/modals-deduction-present 

H/w: Step 31 - prepare for the test on practice sentences and translation on Infinitive structures. 

вівторок, 19 лютого 2019 р.

Revision of tenses + Ted video on Happiness

Homework check:

1) Tense Revision
 In pairs compare your answers to the home exercises. Questions?
Submit your handouts to me for checking.

2) Submit your written homework on Happiness (essay + sentenses with impersonal constructions based on the text "Happiness") 

3) Ted video on Happiness 
Get in pairs. Try to come up with your translation of the words below: 


life goal
young adult 
social connections
quality of relationships

Translate the main message of the video: Good close relationships are good for our health and well-being. 

Answer the Questions based on the information from the video: 

1. What do young adults want to achieve in their lives? / What do they think can make them happy? 
2. What study was done by Harvard Adult Development Program?
3. What were the main findings of the study? / What makes people happy throughout their lives? 
4. What practical advice (tips) did the presenter give to the audience? How to lean to relationships? What should we all do to make our relationship with family, friends, community work better? 

Did you guys like this video? Would you like to watch more videos like that in English? For your self-development? 

www.ted.com - Watch - Ted Talks - Filters/Settings (Topics, languages, durations, etc.)

4. Step 31. p.2, Ex. 31.2

p. 3 - useful expressions - let's go over them open-class

5. Practice the useful expressions from p. 3 - saying sentence by sentence with the expressions from the chart, make up  a connected story. 

6. Constuction "Know + how + to + V..." 
Practice sentences 31.2 

Give your recommendations on the following: 
- how to learn a foreign language.  
- how to travel around the world without much money.
- how to make friends. 
- how to be a well-organized person
- how to surf the Internet 
- how to save money
- how to remember important dates
- how to have fun 
- how to win the competitions 

Start with the following phrase: (In order) to learn a foreign language you should / need / could / might ...

Extra practice on modal verbs of probability / making deductions: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/intermediate-grammar/modals-deduction-present 


1) p.3 - with the expressions in column 1 - write a short story using infinite constructions that we learned. 
with the expressions in column 2 - write a dialogue using as many expressions as you can (10 would be great!) and don't forget to use infivintive coinstructions in your dialogue as well! 

2) Read a Chapter from your book. Write out some new words. Make a plan that will help you retell your chapter at the next lesson. 

четвер, 14 лютого 2019 р.

Impersonal sentences

1. H/w: In pairs discuss Chapter 2 of your book for home reading
- Retell your partner waht happened in your chapter.
- Have your partner ask you some new words from your list. (15 min)

2. Change partners. In pairs compare your answers to the home exercises. Questions?
Submit your handouts to me for checking.

3.  Test results. Questions.

4. Step 31  

Impersonal sentences: pp. 1-3

5. Role-play 1

Student A is depressed.
Student B used to be depressed, but not any more. Give advice/recommendations to Student A as to how to feel better.

Use impersonal sentences and expressions on p. 3.

6. Role-play 2

Change roles (The Student B from the previous role-play becomes student A in this role-play)

Student A does not have many friends.
Student B has many friends and has a very active social life. Give Student A advice/recommendations on how to make more friends.

7. Text about happiness  

Pre-reading: Is it important to feel happy? Why? Is it possible to feel happy all the time?


Comprehension exercises 1 & 2.

Some surveys say that most young people are happiest when they spend time with their family.  -
According to some surveys, it is important for young people to spend time with their families to feel happy.
Others say, it's when they are with friends. -
According to some other research, it is vital to have have friends in order to feel happy.


1) Based on the text about happiness (see class materials to access the text) pleasewrite some recommendations as to how to feel happier. For example:

Some surveys say that most young people are happiest when they spend time with their family.  -
According to some surveys, it is important for young people to spend time with their families to feel happy.
Others say, it's when they are with friends. -
According to some other research, it is vital to have have friends in order to feel happy.

Write 5 or more IMPERSONAL sentences. (It is + Adjective + Infinitive)

2) Write a small essay (1 paragraph long) about the things that make you happy. Make sure to use impersonal sentences and the expressions from p. 3 (Step 30).

2) Watch a Ted video on happiness:


- At first, watch the whole video with English subtitles
- Then watch it again with Russian subtitles and check your comprehension
- Finally, watch it again with English subtitles and write out some of the new words.

Be ready to answer the questions about the content of the video.

неділя, 10 лютого 2019 р.

Future Tenses Test

1. Get in pairs. Tell each other which books you chose for reading. Make sure you include the following:

1) The title of the book and the author
2) Why you chose this book
3) Who is/are the main character(s)
4) What happened in the Chapter 1
5) What think will happen next

Make notes of each other's presentations. I might ask some of you to retell the whole class about your friend's book. (15 min)

2. H/w check: ppt practice sentences (5min)

3. Oral sentences for translation. (10 min)

4. More exercises to practice Future Tenses

5. Test

H/w: 1) Chapter 2 of your book for home reading
Write out some new uknown words in your copy-book. Write a plan that will help you retell the chapter at the next class.
2) Revision of all tenses: p. 1, ex. 1, 2, 3.

понеділок, 4 лютого 2019 р.

Future tenses final class

1.  Teacher's self-introduction
Presenation (5 min)

2. Please introduce yourself. (10 min)
Don't forget to mention: 
- your name 
- where you come from 
- which school you go to
- your favorite subject(s) at school
- your hobbies/interests 
* 1 thing in your introduction must be a lie. We will try to guess what it is. 

3. H/w check
In pairs practice Practice Sentences

Oral test on Practice Sentences pp. 100-103 (15 min)

5. Predictions for future (10 min)
Make predictions based on these short video clips: 

6. Future Tense Revision (30 min)
Get in groups/pairs. Each group will receive a slide or two to work on. Your task will be to write a slide with the formation (formula), examples and markers of a certain future tense and present it to the rest of the class
 PPT with gaps

H/w.: 1) Finish the sentences e-k (from the last slide of the ppt on Future Tense Revision)
2) Choose a book for reading. The list is here:
By Sunday midnight (12 a.m.) send me the title of the book of your choise to the e-mail address below:
or to my whatsapp
Read Ch.1 of the book of your choice.